The Tipping Point

The theory behind The Tipping Point is understanding when cultural movements, products and services “tip” and go viral. Nike wasn’t the first sneaker company. The iPhone was not the first smartphone. Facebook was not the first social media company. Google was not the first search engine. However, they are an integral part of our daily lives in the modern world. Some will argue that these products aren’t even be the best, but then why are they so popular? That is a loaded question with lots of different moving parts. The Tipping Point delves into how products and services like these ultimately become so popular.

Malcolm Gladwell talks about two types of people that spread social movements, products, and services. Connectors and mavens are the two types of people that make things go viral. A connector is someone who knows lots of people and has many connections in order to spread the word whenever big news comes along. Mavens, on the other hand, are people who are technical specialists in a certain area and know more than anyone else. When something groundbreaking comes along they are the early adopters who take the risk to sample and adopt a new product or service that might seem too new or weird to the casual consumer. By leveraging both connectors and mavens, you can take a great concept and make it global. 


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