Examples of Niche Players

I’ve written before about the need to niche down, to choose a segment of the broad market and address that segment’s unique needs thereby creating enthusiastic and loyal customers who willingly pay a fair price.

Some Examples

With that in mind let’s look at some successful companies and the small and large niche markets they serve.

  • One From The Heart (Vegenaise) – For vegans who love mayonnaise 

  • CoverCraft  – For people who want perfect custom car covers 

  • Cyber Defense Group – For companies offering SaaS services 

  • Southwest Air – For people who want low-cost, on-time, travel

  • Jiffy Lube – For people who want a fast, low cost, oil-change

  • Surefoot – For people who want custom fit ski boots 

  • IKEA – Furniture for young families on a tight budget 

As you can see, some of these niche players have become quite large. But they started small and became successful by addressing a need that wasn’t being properly met.  

When you consider these companies, think about what they don’t do. That’s key. They chose who they would serve and who they wouldn’t. You can do the same.


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